Sunday, December 19, 2010


so...are you like me? heart all things glittery...but hate it being all over you? know....looking like you're about ready to hit the's some ornies that have all the sparkle...but none of the mess...

i so wish i could claim this idea as mine own...because it's pure genius!...but i can't!...insert sad face here...actually came across it on everyday cricut...these make the best gifties!...why?...because they're so dang purty! west virginia is

the trick?...the glitter's on the inside!...that's right!...oh...and did i mention how freaking easy they are to make?...well...keep reading....and you'll find out for yourself!....

you'll need some pledge with future shine floor read that got mine from's very important that you get this bottle with the blue cap...not sure if it'll work with just any kind of floor needs to be fine stuff...i've found that martha stewart's works the best...some clear glass ornies...cotton swabs....and i "borrowed" some paper cones from my work...they make the best funnels!...

pop all the hangers out of the glass ornies....

do 'em all...

squirt some of the floor wax into the ornie....

swirl it around to coat the's best not to don't want any "froth" in there....

take of the cap of the floor wax...and let all the extra drain out...hee hee...kinda looks like a person...

if you have any bubbles in the can take a cotton swab to get 'em out...i used to put my pinkie in there...until it got caught like a fish hook...did that freaking hurt! the cotton swabs...your fingers will thank you...

take your paper cone...and snip the top off...if you don't have any of these...just cut the corner off an envelope...and snip the tip of it...voila...instant funnel!...

insert the funnel...and start adding the glitter!'s best to put a bunch in...don't're actually using just a small amount...but you want to make sure you have enough to coat the inside...

start rolling the ornie around...the glitter will start to coat the inside...

put your finger over the opening...and start to shake the glitter....this will get the neck of the ornie...and any other bare spots...

take the lid off your glitter container...and place the ornie neck in there...all the glitter will start to run back in the can lighty tap on make sure all the loose stuff comes out...

plop those toppers back in!...

and there ya go! ornie that glitters without all the mess!....

i usually do up a whole set for gifties...they're just too pretty to break up!...

but if you do want to give 'em 'bout clear take out boxes? can nestle one in a bed of eco friendly packaging(ummm...mine's straight from the paper shredder!)...

or...tie a little ribbon and adhere with a glue dot...then display on a brass ornie this one at michael's!...

of can personalize by adding vinyl or paint pens...but i like to keep 'em simple!...

****check out my linky party directory on the sidebar to see where i'm linking to this week!...


Brigitte said...

wow, gorgeous!!! I love how easy you make things. And also funny, lol

Unknown said...

Love these! I posted this on my FB with a link back to you. I might try to snatch up some ornies on after christmas clearance!

Plants seeds of knowledge...for our future! said...

They are stunning! I made a set for my college daughter to decorate her tree after Thanksgiving! I could not believe how easy it was or how beautiful they turned out! We even tried mixing two different colors of glitter and the effect was AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

OMG I Love this! Thank you for the awesome and detailed tutorial, love it! :-) I may have to try to make these next year, they are so pretty!!! and I agree, love that they aren't messy. TFS the tutorial! -Sam :-)

Jen said...

There is another way too without using pledge. You can use glitter it by beacon adhesives also. It works well!

greenbean said...

i did know about the glitter it by beacon...for me...i have this big 'ol bottle of pledge that i've barely even made a dent in!

Scrappy Mel said...

They are so pretty! I have all the stuff waiting for my in-laws to come over this week and make them. My SIL always have a kids make a special ornament each year and when I saw these on Everday Cricut I knew that they would be this years! I hope ours turn out as great as yours! :) Merry Christmas to you and yours!

char52 said...

OMG I wanted to make these glitter balls but could not find the "craft" stuff to put in the glass balls to make the glitter stick. All I needed was Pledge for goodness sakes.. LOVE IT! Sometime I need to figure out where in West Virginia you are.. My dad grew up there and I went there every summer as a kid. Coal country!

Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs said...

those reallly are such beautiful ornaments! I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

Sara @ Mom Endeavors said...

Those are amazing!! Brilliant idea! Wish I would have seen this earlier today before we made our family ornaments! But, will definitely keep the idea for next year!!

Unknown said...

Very cool technique and I love the way they turned out! Thanks for the tut.

KasiaJ said...

That's awesome. I love glitter ornaments and have a bunch, but stopped putting them on the tree a few years ago because I HATED the mess. This is brilliant; I'm super excited to put some glitter back on my tree.

Jami said...

Great tip with the floor wax! Those turned out so pretty!

Robin Marshall Clark said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I almost forgot I had bought all the stuff to make these this year. Thanks for the wonderful ornaments and steps and my reminder to do this project!

SharonLarkin said...

ooooh, what a fab idea! Plus putting the glitter on the inside makes it SO much easier to dust the ornaments LOL

Anonymous said...

Love them! I happen to have all the stuff to make those too. Maybe that will be something to keep the kids busy this week while they are out of school. For about 10 minutes!

Jo @ SmileMonsters

Lisa said...

great idea! As much as I love glitter, I hate the mess and you're finding pieces months later. Thanks for the idea!

April J Harris said...

These are gorgeous - and it is lovely to see a Christmas craft even folks like me who are not very good with crafting can do!! Thank you for sharing them!

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

Wow, that DOES look easy! And really, doesn't everything look better with glitter anyway?! They came out very pretty.

Just Cake Girl said...

Amazing idea!!! :)))

Unknown said...

Love these! I have a new obsession with decorating glass ornaments this year! I LOVE this idea! Found you over at the Texas Monkey!


Jamara @ My NW Nest said...

Love it!!!

VICTORIA said...

Very pretty. I like them. Thats something the grandkids can help with.

Elizabeth said...

This is beyond BRILLIANT!!!!! Genius I tell you! Great job! Hoping you'll visit me at Sew Chatty and link up to Made With Love Monday! Wishing you a very blessed Christmas!

Jana said...

I love these--they turned out great!

Come link up at the Glam Party!

Kerry T said...

I have given you a blog award because I really love the work you do. Stop by my blog and copy the Stylish Blogger Award and paste it on your blog.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh those are so cute!!! I definitely want to make these! Saving this link in my faves. :) :)


P.S. Enter my giveaway if you'd like!

Valerie said...

Awesome! Glitter without having glitter EVERYWHERE. :) Thanks!

Crystal said...

Thanks for sharing! I have a few clear ornaments left and maybe I'll try this!

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous!

Kyla Armstrong said...

Wow! They are glitter-ific! I definitely need to make some.

Thanks for linking up to to TOO Cute Tuesday.

Kendall said...

I just discovered your blog via Two Peas and I LOVE this idea!! Now I can't wait for Christmas to make some of these myself!! Thanks for sharing!

DonnaMundinger said...

I have ALL the stuff to make these fromlast year and I STILL didn't. Every time I see them though I get all jazzed about it. Sooo pretty and great little tips in your tut! xxD

Unknown said...

I can't wait to try this next year, I love how you made mess free glitter ornaments!

Jennifer said...

I have been waiting to make these! I figured I should start now so I would be ready for Christmas! :) They are so pretty and so easy! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Unknown said...

I just came across this awesome tutorial via Pinterest! I am in love with it! Thanks for making the tutorial so simple and so well explained!
I'm going to make these in fall colors to hang on a wreath in my home.

Angela's Heartwork said...

Just made one (have 11 more to go!) - so easy! I am going to have my 2 year old son add his hand print to it & give it as Christmas gifts this year! Thanks for a great idea!

georgiebee said...

This is just sooo fab!!..thanks so much for sharing..;o)

Dan and Julianna said...

You can add vinyl words to them too. I cut Joy, Hope, Peace... out of vinyl on my cricut and just rubbed it on the outside to add an extra touch.

Unknown said...

Looks awesome! I've done this with glitter nail polish but it takes forever to dry. I'll have to try this.

Catherine said...

This is a fantastic idea that I'll be trying out this holiday season. I love that the glitter is inside the decoration, hence not filling your ornament boxes with tons of leftover glitter each year. Thanks for sharing!!!


Lee said...

you are a genius!

Amanda said...

What happens if you use regular sized glitter, does it not work?

Pippa {Pepper+Buttons} said...

what a great idea...wax?! Who knew! Thanks for sharing.

Courtney said...

How does the gliter hold up over time? Does it eventurally unstick and all fall to the bottom, or does it stay like that for always?

greenbean said...

@amanda...with using the larger won't cover completely like the fine does...they'll be little gaps all over ornament...

@courtney...i've had mine for about 2 years...and nothing's come undone if it's in an area that is either extreme cold or hot...that could cause it to pull away...or if it gets banged around alot...

ajo232003 said...

I love this idea, especially since the glitter is on the inside and wont flake off! Thank you!

tbjohn13 said...

Wonderful idea and great directions! Has anyone tried this with the clear plastic ornaments? I have hardwood floors and this would make them so much safer. Just wondering...

Amanda said...

@tbjohn13 yes it does work for plastic ornaments, just tried one myself. I am amazed by how easy and awesome this is. Thanks for sharing.

ChalyLove said...

I love this idea and went out to get all the things I need. I cant find the pledge product anywhere! Any suggestions or anything else I could use instead?


adele said...

I found you through pinterest! These are amazing! Your tutorial makes it seem so easy, I'm going to try!

Lindsay said...

@ChalyLove: I looked all over too. Finally, Walmart (was not my first choice because I have every other store near me!) It looks different since she posted the picture, Pledge Floor Care: Tile and Vinyl Floor Finish with Future Shine.

Also, might be able to order online from walmart

Anonymous said...

Mop & Glo works. I used "Mop & Shine" from Dollar far the results look the same.

Johanna [Taloja ja Toiveita] said...

Excellent Idea! So Nice!

ballroomdancer92 said...

Such an awesome idea! But I could hardly read through the tutorial, all the ... were really annoying.

ambaumel said...

....I love the dots.... we must be kindred spirits... and I use them everywhere... looking all kinds of forward to doing this project.... great ideas... keep them coming....

Annie Berndt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie Berndt said...

LOVE THESE! We tried making them in shaped ornaments too (cubes, hearts) and glitter got stuck in the edges and kind of clumped. Round ones like these are perfect though!

Bruce said...

Thanks for a great blog
Best Christmas Decoration ideas

Sam Anna said...

Thanks for a fabulous tutorial....dots included.... ;-)

I just made 26 in maybe an hour (and most of that time was spent arguing with my make-shift funnel! lol) SO EASY!!! And looking quite lovely over there on my tree....

Lisa said...

These look so pretty! Thanks for the tutorial, it seems pretty easy now that I know the secret is floor wax

Anonymous said...

I actually tried this and used floor wax as you told in the DIY, but the problem is that I got real floor wax, whereas what YOU used is pledge futureshine floor FINISHER. it's not floor wax.

the only reason i figured this out was because of the picture you posted with the bottle of the solution you used.

Stephanie R. said...

This is awesome! It would be PERFECT for the kids to make ornaments.
Thanks for this tut!

An Oasis in the Desert said...

This is an adorable idea, & I have a bunch of the clear glass ornies just waiting for some decor! Thanks for sharing!

Emily @ RemarkableHome said...

These are so pretty. Question: When you put the topp back in does the wire scratch the glitter? Or does that wax stuff get hard?

greenbean said... doesn't stratch when you put the top back on...or at least i haven't had that problem....the wax stuff get's it's pretty much staying there!...

Unknown said...

I made some of these this weeekend and I love them!!! They really are so super easy to make and don't make a big mess either! Love it!

Lucinda said...

would this work with plastic ornaments? I can't find glass ones this year....

arshoelover said...

I have everything except the floor shine; which is becoming impossible to find. Could you recommend another brand/style of Pledge. The staff at W-M I've been to tell me they do not carry this one; even though their website says they do. Ugh. Thank you for the recommendation

Deebi27 said...

OMG, Fabulous...and I hate glitter, but I have just got all my glitter out of my craft closet and my Pre-K each are going to make one of these! Have to hit Wally World tomorrow for the ornaments and floor wax! Thanks!

2MonstersMom said...

As soon as I saw these I had to to make them. So much easier to do with my small kids then the paint drip kind. It even worked with the plastic ornaments. We put a patriotic twist on ours and they turned out beautiful.Thanks for posting and the idea!

eholst said...

I just made these tonight and they turned out gorgeous! My husband was so intrigued by how they worked that he had to get in on the action with helping too. He had nothing but compliments for them, which is unusual because he usually doesn't notice that kind of stuff. He even said they could stay up all year! Thanks for the great tutorial :)

Emily Nicole said...

I can't find the floor finisher anywhere...only the Pledge cleaner. Any alternatives that you know of?

greenbean said...

@sonja and ecluff...i know that some people have said they have had the same results with mop 'n maybe try that...i guess the thing to look for most is it being a "floor finisher"...that's what seems to be how it dries into a hard layer...

also....there is something called glitter's a glue sold at craft's for this purpose as well...

hope that helps!...

Deebi27 said...

Greenbean (or whatever your real name is) I can't say thank you enough for finding this ornmanet goody on Pinterest. I have been making this with my class last week and today. The kids love what they have made for Mom and Dad. I also talk a teacher across the hall to make these with their class as well. I have contacted my sister-in-law about doing this with the kids on Christmas, This has been a total hit and just had to let you know!!! THANK YOU!!! Deebi27

PS, I have sooo much Pledge floor wax left over, I could be making these for the next 10 years!!!!!

Sherrie said...

Is there something to use besides the floor cleaner/polish? We don't use chemicals in our home...only natural cleaning agents, so I hate to buy it just for this. Any ideas? Thanks!

Amy said...

Looking forward to making these for next Christmas. Do the plastic ornaments work as well or only the glass ones? The answer will depend on whether they are gifts or for our tree. I have four 7 and under.

controlling craziness said...

Yes, I will have to make these next year too, as I forgot to make them for this year. I mentioned this idea on my blog today at:

msagr24 said...

Love, love, love these! I made them with one daughter's 4th grade class and the other daughter's 1st grade class and the parents were so impressed! In addition to the glitter on the inside, I bought self-stick rhinestones/gems to decorate the outsides. A little more bling never hurts anything :)

VancouverBanshee said...

Where you do find the clear glass or plastic ornaments? I have looked everywhere and can't find them here in Vancouver area of BC? Can I order them online from somewhere? any help is appreciated.....

Thank you Niamh

Andrea said...

Vancouver, I got mine at Hobby Lobby. I don't know if they have HL up in Canada, but they do sell them online and maybe they would ship up there? Unfortunately the smallest size I see on their website is a four-pack of 3 1/4" ornaments for $6, which is the same price I paid for a pack of TWELVE 2 5/8" ornaments.

Pam said...

Cool...what a neat idea.

LKP said...

love these! love the ease of them! love how gloriously they sparkle! love you for posting this tutorial! my one question.... and perhaps its lame, will there be any glitter flaking inside down the road? just curious if i need a coat of mod podge inside to seal it all in place. thanks!

Beth said...

I loved making these and got so many comments on them. As we were packing up the Christmas stuff, I found about 30 more glass ornaments. I'll be set for next year. Thanks for posting these! Perfect!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

just found you and your wonderful tips, well it's a litte too late now, but I will try to make them this Christmas...thank you for showing how to make them like this...hope I'll can buy this stuff here, because I live in Holland...
I wish you a happy, healthy and loving 2012...


Stacey said...

Awesome tutorial will definitely have to try these this Christmas!!!

Unknown said...

I am also from West Virginia, and I have seen a tutorial on how to make these ornaments last year, before Christmas. So, I made a ton of them that I was going to use on my Christmas trees, but then I got sick & didn't put my big trees up. (Put a 13 inch tree up on a table). So, I am going to use them this year on my trees. I put up 2 trees, one in the living room & one in my portrait studio.
These ornaments are so pretty & sparkly, and I love anything glittery, sparkly & shiny.

merricksmom said...

I can't wait to use the floor wax. Last year I used plain glue and the glitter slid down the ornament and I was so disappointed--I love glitter!!

Searcy Campbell said...

I really like this idea as an easy way to do something fun, but I have a question. Do I have to wait long for the floor polish to dry before I add the glitter? Will the glitter stay permanently, or will it start to fall off over time? The extra glitter, is it reusable or does it get sticky from the pledge?

Vanessa said...

does the pledge hold the glitter year after year?

greenbean said...

@ vanessa...i made some many years ago...and they look the exact same way the day i made them...

two years ago, a group of us gals got together to make these as gifts...and everyone said they're still perfect!

greenbean said...

@ searcy do not want the wax to dry...then the glitter won't stick to it...i swirl in the oranament, pour the rest out and then add the glitter...just make sure there's no bubbles...because that will cause the glitter to clump...

the leftover glitter is fine to reuse!...i empty right into the glitter container!...

i've had several of these for over three years and they still are great! chipping or fallen glitter! temperature where you storing these could definitely affect the life of the oraments...if it's a little on the hot side...that might loosen the wax up...or if they get banged up alot...that could shake some of the glitter off...but so issues for me!...

Unknown said...

I definitely need to try this, I had made some ornaments with granddaughter and it was a glitter mess. The glitter was on foam balls so you can imagine. This time we will try the ones illustrated here. She'll enjoy making them. Thanks for sharing. Love the shine that it leaves to it and no glitter mess.

Lindsay said...

Found you through Pinterest. Thanks so much for the idea!! I'm making them for a craft fair I'm in and an offering free personalization on them! So pretty!

I've been using "Glitter It!" but I'm going to the dollar store this weekend to get the floor finisher instead.

Lindsay said...

Found you through Pinterest. Thanks so much for the idea!! I'm making them for a craft fair I'm in and an offering free personalization on them! So pretty!

I've been using "Glitter It!" but I'm going to the dollar store this weekend to get the floor finisher instead.

Unknown said...

this is such a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to have found you through Pinterest!! I was wanting to make some similar to this for Christmas gifts and wasn't sure how to do it.

I have a question-- do you think it would still work if you put something inside the ornament (like a sticker or decal) on the glass before you treat it with wax and glitter??


Golden Jewel said...

Nice clean way to use glitter. My daughter says it's the STD of the craft world! LOL!

Unknown said...

Unlike most how to's, you really go step by step and show enough pictures so there is no confusion. One of the best written how to's I've read. I love the idea and can't wait to try it with my daughter!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to do this! Wonderful weekend project for us! I'm in West Virginia too, just East of Charleston. Go Mountaineers!!!!!!!

ella.gligor said...

I love this idea! Anyone know if this would work on plastic or acrylic globes? I have a tree in front of my house that I'd love to decorate but glass ones won't do! Thanks for the idea!!

BSanchez said...

What else can be used instead of Pledge Floor Finish With Future Shine? I looked for this in our Walmart, but they apparently don't carry it. I can order it online, though.

margaret said...

Love the Project, we will be decorating our own Christmas balls this year. Thank you for Sharing.

Hey Marla Turner I'm in WV too, North of Charleston

Happy Holidays All!

Unknown said...

Where are the clear "ornies" from??

Anonymous said...

Got mine at Michael's. Thanks so much for showing these tips.

Mimi said...

So pretty! thanks for the instructions!

Carole said...

I didn’t like the idea of using floor cleaner (and it’s not something that I buy and have on hand), so I tried this technique using a satin varnish that I use for some of my art work. It works beautifully! :-)

janellechw said...

Just made 6 of these and used the clear ornaments from Michaels - not entirely happy with them because the Michaels ornaments have an iridescence that I think detracts from the glitter. I plan to look for some clear ones from somewhere else. Michaels also had some clear with (etched?) snowflake on them that might look great with the glitter. I used Martha Stewart azurite blue and Recollections Garnet red and Glitz (white), all of which worked quite well.

janellechw said...

Ok, just made them with some I found at Hobby Lobby - much better. Glass is all clear, no iridescence, so much prettier. Also, found that the Glitz white is not extra fine like the garnet red and doesn't cover as well. Looks a little patchy, too.

ItsJustMe said...

Hello! I found your blog through a Facebook post of a friend who made these ornaments. Just wanted to compliment you on how wonderfully motivating your "All That Glitters" post is. Your humorous step-by-step instructions are very easy to follow and your pictures are just perfect to follow along with each step. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading your future posts. In the meantime, I guess I've got some catching up to do on your previous ones! :)

Unknown said...

It would be elegant to scroll names on them!

Susan said...

Wonderful tutorial - can't wait to try it out! Do you know just how much glitter one ornament uses? I may use this idea for a church Christmas activity for about 40-50 ladies. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love these and want to make but I can't find clear floor wax of any kind any where. Please tell me what else might work. Kinda frustrated.

Andrea said...

Sarah, I use Mop 'n' Glo and it seems to work fine (I made my first batch 2 years ago and they're still looking great!).

Anonymous said...

Nice glitter balls I'm looking now for floor wax suppliers to get more floorwax and get some business in that balls

Riccardo Vasquez said...

I want to try your design; I had prepared some homemade gift items with the help of family members and some of my friends for upcoming Christmas. I will be happy if you visit once.
Christmas Ornaments

Unknown said...

Can u use plastic baubles for saftey for the kiddos?

emeraldsun said...

the clear glass bulbs are too expensive..i used colored glass bulbs-but stripped the color off by swishing w/vinegar & baking WORKS wonderfully!!
i am from WV also...National to be exact..9 miles outside of the morgantown area!! =D

Unknown said...

I have some colored balls. Thanks for your post. Do you use equal parts of vinegar and baking soda?

Unknown said...

I have some colored balls. Thanks for your post. Do you use equal parts of vinegar and baking soda?

jai cee said...

Are there any other alternatives that can be used besides floor wax & Glitter It? Thanks!!! :)

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